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Keep everyone connectedTeam Collaboration

Kitsu enhances communication among all stakeholders, simplifying collaboration across different sites and for remote work. Artists know their tasks and can deliver movies and images directly to the Director. Supervisors and Producers stay informed and can easily give instructions.

More than 5,000,000 comments have already been posted on Kitsu!

Tasks, comments and previewsDeliver seamlessly

Assign tasks to artists, who can publish their work in Kitsu for review once completed. Producers, Supervisors, and Directors can iterate directly through the platform. Thanks to our real-time engine, everyone is instantly notified when a change occurs.

TodosKeep everyone on the same page

Your artists know what is expected of them and can share their progress. This keeps everyone on the same page at all times, allowing artists to be more autonomous and focus more on the their art.

NewsfeedNever miss anything

Thanks to the news feed, you will never miss any comments or new previews. Everyone in the studio stays informed about ongoing activities, making it easier to anticipate problems.

Customer Story:
Miyu studio

"A few days are enough to understand all the features required to run a production. Everyone in the studio starts quickly, especially artists who really enjoy Kitsu. We didn't notice this enthusiasm with the previous tools we used."

Carole Faure, Production Manager

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